Join us on June 28th for a Community BBQ Sports Day. At 3 pm the games will begin, wheelbarrow races, egg relays and more. At 5pm Rick and Sid will be serving burgers off the BBQ.
BCSA Job Posting
The Bamfield Community School Association is accepting applications for summer 2011. Click on the link to see detailed job postings. Please send resumes to or mail to 240 Nuthatch Rd, Bamfield, BC V0R1BO.
Finances Talk
Thursday, May 19th at 5:30pm. Join the BCSA and a Coastal Community Credit Union Certified Financial Advisor and Estate Planner to learn more about your finances. Refreshments will be served. FinancialHealth-Bamfield[1]
Historical Society AGM
Bamfield Historical Society AGM
Sunday May 15th 11:00 am at the home of Steve Clarke and Nancy Hendry.
Steve and Nancy have kindly offered to host this meeting as a brunch. The meeting is open to all, but we ask that you RSVP to Steve and Nancy in a timely fashion.
Please call 250-728-3119
Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra
Upcoming Event- April 2nd, 2011
Follow the link to download a free pdf copy of the Oysters, Authors & Ale poster.
A Fresh Face…
The BCSA’s website is back!
We have revised, refreshed, reformated and renewed our website and believe that you will enjoy the changes. The new site features information about:
*Upcoming events and a digital copy of our monthly newsletter *Projects and Programs offered by the BCSA in Literacy, Health and Wellness and Community Development *On-line resources for young families, youth, adults and seniors *Visitor information*Ways to get involved with the BCSA and the community * And much more…
Please take the time to explore the site and all that it has to offer.
As a parting gift to the BCSA Mary-Beth Thompson, our CAP Youth Intern from December 2010 – April 2011, has given the BCSA website a fresh face. Mary-Beth deeply enjoyed her time in Bamfield, particularly getting to know the community, enjoying the beautiful scenery and soaking up the good cheer of the residents. While she is excited by what awaits her beyond the long gravel road, she looks forward to future visits!
New Online Environment
Bamfield Community School Association is in the process of creating a new online environment to inform and interact with community members.
Please visit again soon for updates!
Until the website is restored if you have any questions related to the BCSA they may be directed to
Estimated launch date March 31st, 2011