Community Educations is:
- A process that brings community members together to identify and link community needs and resources in a manner that helps people to raise the quality of life and education in their communities. This process is neighbourhood and community based.
- An opportunity for local citizens, schools, agencies and institutions to become partners in addressing education and community concerns.
Community Education is an educational philosophy that embraces these beliefs:
- Education is a lifelong process.
- Everyone in the community, individuals, business, public and private agencies, shares responsibility for the mission of education all members of the community.
- There is a direct and vital relationship between educational systems (e.g. schools) and the community. These educational systems are often the focal point of the community.
- Citizens have a right and a responsibility to be involved in determining community needs; developing leadership skills; identifying community resources; and linking those needs and resources to improve their community.
- Community citizenry involves people of all ages; children, youth and adults.