$10 fee can be waived. Please contact Catherine for details.
The Huu-ay-aht First Nations will sponsor the first 10 Huu-ay-aht citizens who register.
A big thank you to everyone who made Oysters Authors & Ale a huge success!
Our authors: Bridgette, Clarkston, Abby Hawkins, Arno Kolpecky, Orla Osborne, James Spencer, Catherine Thompson, Dave Waugh, Howard White & Nic Wiewel.
Our musicians: John Hughes, Daryl Milne & Jill Robinson
Thank you for the donations to the silent auction: Ariane Batic, Karen Bishop, Andrea Butler, Charlie Clappis, Bridgette Clarkston, Kelly Clement, Paul Demontigny, Louis and Rae Druehl, Siobhan Gray, Abby Hawkins, Suzanne and Katherine Jennings, Amy McConnell, Jan and Nelson Meadows, Jane Morrison, Orla Osborne, Kat Peace, Marc and Judith Phillips, Kate Rolheiser, Kristin Russell, Brian Scott, Eileen Scott, Bill Thompson, Nick Tzart, Michelle Van Boven, Bamfield Builders Supply, Bamfield Community Hall Society, Bamfield Historical Society, BC Coastal Grilling, Breakers Marine, Canadian Kelp Resources, Centennial Park, Chase & Warren Winery, Chemainus Theatre Festival, Great Pacific Ocean Charters, Music By The Sea, The Market, Tod Craft Creek Cider, Vancouver Island Symphony, Wood’s End Landing Cottages.
Our hosts, who made our authors feel at home: Andrea & Les Butler, Marc & Judith Phillips, Catherine Thompson
And our volunteers: Karen Bishop, Craig Charleston, Louis Druehl, Siobhan Gray, Lisa Herbig, Amy McConnell, Phil Lavoie, Jan & Nelson Meadows, Kate Rolheiser, Anna Smith, James Spencer, Bill Thompson, Dylan Tomich, Nicole Webster, Navi (BMSC staff).
And thank you to the Bamfield Marine Science Centre for donating the use of the RIX, a spectacular venue.
We could not do it without you!