July 2018 Community Calendar
Happy Last Day of School, BCS!
Bamfield Community School students, staff and parents got together with community members to celebrate the last day of school with a BBQ, sports day and graduation ceremony! Congratulations!
Indian Cooking Class recap
On June 14th, 2018 the BCSA ran an Indian food cooking class with the help of culinary expert Kyle Hancock. We learned how to cook an amazing traditional meal, making naan, aloo tikki, lamb korma, and coconut ladoo. Many thanks to everybody that came!
Community BBQ and Sports Day 2018
Indian Cooking Class
June Community Calendar
Community Picnic at Dodger’s Cove
Community members got together on May 19th to celebrate the life of Marie Newfield and the history of Dodger’s Cove. Everyone enjoyed a potluck, beach fire and many stories! Special thank-you to John and Sheryl Mass for their hard work in planning the event and to Robert Dennis and Pat Lecoy for sharing their stories and knowledge about Huu-ay-aht First Nation history.