June 2021 in Bamfield
Participaction Community Better Challenge June 1st – June 30th

The ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge is a national physical activity initiative that encourages Canadians to get active in search of Canada’s Most Active Community.
It is open to everyone and all minutes tracked on the app and website from June 1 – 30 count toward a community’s total score. After June 30, 50 finalist communities will be invited to submit an application explaining why they deserve to be Canada’s Most Active Community.
At the conclusion of the challenge, one community will earn the top prize of $100,000 and title of being Canada’s most active. In addition to the national winner, there will also be prizing for the most active community in each province and territory.
CLICK HERE to download the app and read more about this exciting challenge!
HFN Warrior Weeknights / Trail Building / Gazebo Building
Dan Zayonc is leading this Huu-ay-aht First Nation youth group regularly on Monday evenings. This month, the group will also be spending several weekends learning about trail building and building a gazebo structure for the community.
Adult Intro to Hip Hop Dance
Join Laura Schmitt and friends for a fun FREE introductory dance class! Classes will be held in the field outside the Bamfield Community School, respecting social distancing rules. Please join us on June 10th and June 24th and get your groove on!
Yoga Classes with Michelle Peach
- Michelle offers Livestream Yoga classes on Thursdays through her website www.innerfireholistichealing.com/yoga. See her website to register.
Preschool Program: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 – 3:00pm, on-going.
Sharlene Carpenter provides fun and engaging preschool programming for little ones. A healthy snack will is provided.
- Pre-registration is required. Please call or email Sally to register your child.
- Cost is $5.00 per child, per day.
BCSA After School Club – Wednesdays in June, 3:00 – 4:30
- Kids currently attending the Bamfield Community School are welcome to join us for FREE fun activities, outdoor exploration, and dynamic learning experiences.
- We will provide a healthy after-school snack.
- The bus will take all children home unless otherwise pre-arranged with BCSA Staff.
- Contact us at 250-728-1220 to sign your child up, or sign the form they bring home and return it to us.